Tucson Iris talk Jan 12 by Greg Starr
January 12 1 p.m.
Tucson Area Iris Sciety monthly meeting at Wilmot Library, 530 N. Wilmot Rd.
Greg Starr, local cactus and succulent author and grower, will
speak on Madagascar - a world renown island of megadiversity.
Gregg is author of: Cool Plants for Hot Gardens and Agaves: Living Landscapes for Landscapes and Containers.
The meeting and talk are open to all. FREE

Tucson Area Iris Sciety monthly meeting at Wilmot Library, 530 N. Wilmot Rd.
Greg Starr, local cactus and succulent author and grower, will
speak on Madagascar - a world renown island of megadiversity.
Gregg is author of: Cool Plants for Hot Gardens and Agaves: Living Landscapes for Landscapes and Containers.
The meeting and talk are open to all. FREE