Gardening in Tucson
News and Events for the Tucson Gardener.
On this website you will find links to most of the Gardening Clubs in Tucson,
as well as a calendar of events for major gardening events, such as plant sales, garden tours, etc.
Photos of Plants featured at a recent weird plant sale at the Tucson Botanical Gardens
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Plant Clinic: Master Gardeners are available to answer your gardening questions over the phone or on a walk-in basis weekdays 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. at the Pima County Cooperative Extension, 4210 N. Campbell Avenue. Phone 626-5161
Gardening for the Newcomer: This introductory class will familiarize newcomers or new homeowners with Tucson's seasons and soils. Discussion will cover proper techniques for planting and watering and how to create a garden of beauty and comfort in our desert environment. Class concludes with a walking tour of the Tucson Botanical Gardens.
Taught by trained docents. No preregistration required. 9:30 a.m. - noon on the first Thursday and third Saturday of the month at Tucson Botanical Gardens, 2150 N. Alvernon Way. Price $12 (includes admission to the gardens) More info: 326-9686 x39 or
Tucson Gardening Clubs and Organizations:
The Gardeners of Tucson
is a local gardening club that has been around since 1959.
They meet the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 PM
at 3202 E. First Street (1 block east of Country Club and
one block south of Speedway. They do not have a website.
But further information can be found here
For more information call the President, Jacqueline at 292-0504.
The Tucson African Violet Society
has meetings on the Northwest and Far East side monthly.
Their newsletter is published monthly and
you can find it on their website.
Tucson Area Iris Society
meets monthly (more or less) in various
locations (except summer). In spite of Tucson's very hot summers,
irises actually do very well in Tucson
For information on how to grow irises there is a
culture page on the Tucson Area Iris Society's webpage.
Tucson Cactus and Succulent Society

Nearly 1,000 members belong to the very active Tucson
Cactus & Succulent Society which meets the first Thursday
of every month at 7PM at 2099 E. River Road at the Junior
League of Tucson Kiva Building.
Tucson Organic Gardeners
meet at 7:00 PM on the third Thursday of each month
September thru April at St. Marks Presbyterian Church
3809 E. Third Street (near Alvernon/Speedway).
Tucson Rose Society
meets at 6:30 PM on the first Tuesday of the month
at the Tucson Botanical Gardens, 2150 N. Alvernon Way
The Tucson Watergardeners
meet the 4th Thursday of every month from February to October
at 7:30 PM at the Junior League of Tucson Kiva Building,
2099 East River Road. They are a club for people who enjoy
the many aspects of watergardening; plants, fish or both
Tucson Area Gardening Talks, Lectures, Demonstrations:
The local Master Gardeners from the University of Arizona
Pima County Extension offers talks on timely gardening topics weekly.
The talks are every Wednesday at 9:00 AM at the Cooperative
Extension Garden Center, 4210 N. Campbell and at 1:00 PM at
the Wilmot Library, 530 N. Wilmot Rd as well as Fridays at 1:00 PM
on the Northwest at the Oro Valley Public Library,
1305 W. Naranja Drive in the large meeting room.
Talks are held monthly EXCEPT June, July and August
For subjects of these weekly talks visit
Arizona Native Plant Society
Arizona Sonora Desert Museum
California Rare Fruit Growers-Southern Arizona Chapter
Community Gardens of Tucson
Desert Survivors
Native Seeds/SEARCH
Pima County Master Gardeners Website
Southeast Arizona Butterfly Association
Tohono Chul Park
Tucson African Violet Society
Tucson Area Iris Society
Tucson Bonsai Society
Tucson Botanical Gardens
Tucson Organic Gardeners
Tucson Rose Society
News and Events for the Tucson Gardener.
On this website you will find links to most of the Gardening Clubs in Tucson,
as well as a calendar of events for major gardening events, such as plant sales, garden tours, etc.

Photos of Plants featured at a recent weird plant sale at the Tucson Botanical Gardens
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Plant Clinic: Master Gardeners are available to answer your gardening questions over the phone or on a walk-in basis weekdays 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. at the Pima County Cooperative Extension, 4210 N. Campbell Avenue. Phone 626-5161
Gardening for the Newcomer: This introductory class will familiarize newcomers or new homeowners with Tucson's seasons and soils. Discussion will cover proper techniques for planting and watering and how to create a garden of beauty and comfort in our desert environment. Class concludes with a walking tour of the Tucson Botanical Gardens.
Taught by trained docents. No preregistration required. 9:30 a.m. - noon on the first Thursday and third Saturday of the month at Tucson Botanical Gardens, 2150 N. Alvernon Way. Price $12 (includes admission to the gardens) More info: 326-9686 x39 or
Tucson Gardening Clubs and Organizations:
The Gardeners of Tucson
is a local gardening club that has been around since 1959.
They meet the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 PM
at 3202 E. First Street (1 block east of Country Club and
one block south of Speedway. They do not have a website.
But further information can be found here
For more information call the President, Jacqueline at 292-0504.
The Tucson African Violet Society
has meetings on the Northwest and Far East side monthly.
Their newsletter is published monthly and
you can find it on their website.

Tucson Area Iris Society
meets monthly (more or less) in various
locations (except summer). In spite of Tucson's very hot summers,
irises actually do very well in Tucson
For information on how to grow irises there is a
culture page on the Tucson Area Iris Society's webpage.

Tucson Cactus and Succulent Society
Nearly 1,000 members belong to the very active Tucson
Cactus & Succulent Society which meets the first Thursday
of every month at 7PM at 2099 E. River Road at the Junior
League of Tucson Kiva Building.
Tucson Organic Gardeners
meet at 7:00 PM on the third Thursday of each month
September thru April at St. Marks Presbyterian Church
3809 E. Third Street (near Alvernon/Speedway).
Tucson Rose Society
meets at 6:30 PM on the first Tuesday of the month
at the Tucson Botanical Gardens, 2150 N. Alvernon Way
The Tucson Watergardeners
meet the 4th Thursday of every month from February to October
at 7:30 PM at the Junior League of Tucson Kiva Building,
2099 East River Road. They are a club for people who enjoy
the many aspects of watergardening; plants, fish or both
Tucson Area Gardening Talks, Lectures, Demonstrations:
The local Master Gardeners from the University of Arizona
Pima County Extension offers talks on timely gardening topics weekly.
The talks are every Wednesday at 9:00 AM at the Cooperative
Extension Garden Center, 4210 N. Campbell and at 1:00 PM at
the Wilmot Library, 530 N. Wilmot Rd as well as Fridays at 1:00 PM
on the Northwest at the Oro Valley Public Library,
1305 W. Naranja Drive in the large meeting room.
Talks are held monthly EXCEPT June, July and August
For subjects of these weekly talks visit
Arizona Native Plant Society
Arizona Sonora Desert Museum
California Rare Fruit Growers-Southern Arizona Chapter
Community Gardens of Tucson
Desert Survivors
Native Seeds/SEARCH
Pima County Master Gardeners Website
Southeast Arizona Butterfly Association
Tohono Chul Park
Tucson African Violet Society
Tucson Area Iris Society
Tucson Bonsai Society
Tucson Botanical Gardens
Tucson Organic Gardeners
Tucson Rose Society
Labels: desert, plant sale, plants, Tucson